University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Chemistry
Wita Stwosza 63, 80-308 Gdańsk, Poland
e-mail: cezary.czaplewski(at)
phone: +48 58 5235126, room B328
Introduction to Python programming
(course in english for digital chemistry students)
Molecular mechanics & dynamics, coarse-grain modeling
(course in english for digital chemistry students)
Microcontroller-based chemical diagnostics
(course in english for digital chemistry students)
Programming project
(course in polish for bioinformatics students)
Parallel programming
(course in polish for bioinformatics students)
Molecular modeling
(course in polish for bioinformatics students, lab.instructions 2-12 in english)
Microcontroller-based chemical diagnostics
(course in polish for chemical business students)
Software for biomacromolecular computations
(course in polish for PhD students)
Introduction to script programming languages
(course in polish for PhD students)